Talent Trailblazers: Our Team, Your Recruiter

Meet Our Team

Welcome to "Talent Trailblazers: Our Team, Your Recruiter," an engaging series designed to provide you with an inside look into the world of recruitment, spotlighting the skilled individuals of White Ash Group.  Our team, comprised of seasoned professionals with an unwavering passion for connecting talent with opportunity, invites you on a journey through the intricate landscape of cannabis industry careers. Get ready to meet the faces behind the scenes, uncovering their expertise, quirks, and the unique blend of skills they bring to the table. From sourcing top-tier candidates to forging lasting partnerships, our recruiters are dedicated to ensuring your success in the burgeoning cannabis sector.

Join us as we introduce our talented team of personable, knowledgeable and passionate recruitment staff, ready to guide you towards your next fulfilling role in cannabis.


Spencer Rayman

Account Manager & Recruitment Consultant

Q: What strategies do you employ to stay updated with the latest trends and developments in the cannabis industry?

There are numerous great ways to stay updated in the cannabis industry, whether it is through social networks, newsletters/blog posts, or media coverage. However, one of the most effective ways I find myself staying up to date, is on LinkedIn itself. By connecting with as many different individuals and groups within the industry as I can, it provides me with an extensive and diverse platform of information regarding current trends and updates within the industry across all sectors and locations. LinkedIn has quickly become one of the more accessible platforms for people to share posts, articles, pictures, or stories about theirs or other cannabis experiences or news, when other platforms have still been quick to ban or reject cannabis content entirely.

Q: How do you approach building and nurturing relationships with both clients and candidates?

One very important skill that I have picked up in my numerous sales positions, is knowing how to speak with different individuals at various levels. Right off the bat, whether you are speaking to a candidate or a client, there are many variables that must be considered to know how to speak with that individual most effectively. For example, a conversation with a CEO is going to be drastically different than speaking to a Territory Manager. This is an important step that can cement that first impression and goes a long way into building a professional relationship with someone.

The next most important thing is being personable. Most people will want to work or do business with someone they get along with. If you are not personable, approachable, or develop that sense of camaraderie with someone outside of just business, they are less likely to want to continue working with you.

Q: Can you share a particularly memorable success story from your work in the cannabis sector?

One particularly memorable success story I can think of is from last year when I was working on a sales position for a successful LP. The company was eagerly looking to find the right person to start as soon as possible. We had gone through the whole process, interviewing numerous candidates, and had reached final stages where they had sent the top candidate an offer letter, but then the candidate ended up taking another role instead. We were now back to square one and the client was worried. Within 24 hours, I was able to find and submit another candidate who met all the required criteria and was a perfect fit for the role. The company interviewed the candidate, agreed, and sent them an offer letter which they then signed and started the following week!

Another example I just wanted to mention, is anytime a candidate I have placed reaches back out to express how much they are loving their job or have received a promotion. This always leaves me with a great sense of accomplishment and pride. Again, having worked in different sales positions, I had never experienced this specific feeling of gratitude or fulfillment. It’s definitely one of the best parts of the job!

Q: What do you believe sets White Ash Group apart from other recruiting firms in the cannabis industry?

I believe there are numerous reasons as to why White Ash Group is unlike any other recruiting firms in the cannabis industry, but one of the most important is our strict focus on providing top quality at every level of what we do, and not only for our clients, but with candidates as well. Communication is key in recruitment on all sides of the process. Remaining in proper contact with candidates and clients ensures a seamless process and can also reduce time in closing positions. We also make a point to follow up with everyone, whether it is good news or bad, we will not ghost you! As our name implies, we are all about quality cannabis and quality hires!

Q: In your opinion, what are some of the biggest challenges facing employers and job seekers in the cannabis industry today?

Employers and job seekers have different challenges. Job seekers, especially those from outside the cannabis industry, must be aware of the turbulent nature that any new and emerging industry will go through. We often joke that 1 year in cannabis is like 3-5 years in any other industry, with how quickly things are constantly changing. Of course, every role or profession will have its own challenges, but anyone entering the industry must be comfortable wearing many hats, working in a fast-paced environment, and able to effectively navigate an ever-changing landscape of regulations and restrictions.

One of the most prevalent challenges I see affecting employers, is that often a lot of companies are only looking for candidates with specific cannabis experience. Depending on the position, this can definitely be required, but it can also lead to a cannibalization of talent within the industry. There are only so many people with that direct experience in an industry only so many years old. We will never grow or develop as an industry as a whole if we don’t continue to bring in qualified and talented individuals from other areas outside of cannabis.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering a career transition into the cannabis industry?

In my opinion, anyone looking to enter the cannabis industry should be passionate about cannabis itself. I think this is one of the most important factors when considering a role in cannabis. As I mentioned above, the turbulent nature of the industry is not for everyone. One of the most common traits amongst people working in cannabis now, is how passionate they are about the plant. I believe this passion goes a long way in pushing through some of the hurdles and struggles that the industry deals with on a frequent basis.

Q: What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?

I always wanted to be a professional extreme athlete when I was kid. Skateboard, snowboard, wakeboard, if it was on a board, I was doing it! After several injuries and broken bones, that dream quickly faded, but I still love getting back on any board sport whenever I have a chance!

Q: Tell us something we don’t know.

I am very passionate about music. Listening to music, playing guitar, seeing live performances, or singing aloud, I am always somehow connected to music. I love all genres and styles and often describe my taste in music ranging from “you gotta hear this, to please don’t judge me”. To me, there is nothing better than relaxing away, laying in the sun, smoking a joint and listening to some great tunes!


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